Movement one

 Raise hands up as if supporting the sky to adjust the Triple Burner (sanjiao)

1: As above, rotate the two arms externally. Move the hands downwards and interlace the fingers in front of the abdomen with palms up and eyes straight ahead.

2: Stretch the legs and straighten the knees, and move the two palms up the front of the body to the chest, and then rotate the palms up, continuing to move them up above the head. Look up and stare at the two palms.

3: Stretch straight up at the peak of this movement. At the same time, retract the lower jaw, and pause for a second. Eyes keep looking forward.

4: The center of body slowly descends. Slightly bend the knees, and at the same time, let the ten fingers are slowly separate. The two arms drift down both sides of the body, returning to the same position with the two palms in front of the abdomen with palms up and eyes looking forward.

Repeat the raising in the center and lowering down the sides, practicing for six times in total. During practice, when the two palms have reached the top, remember to stretch the chest and body, pause for a second and keep stretching upwards gently. When two palms move downwards on the sides, the waist, hips, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and fingers are all relaxed but always keep the upper body straight.

[Principles and Effects] By raising the hands up with interlaced fingers, exerting force slowly and stretching, the sanjiao can be smoothed and qi and blood can be harmonized. By stretching the muscles, ligaments and joints, as well as the soft tissues around the joints of the upper limbs and trunk, we can prevent and treat shoulder disorders and cervical spondylosis.