In Chinese medicine, the foot is the junction of three yin and three yang channels of the leg, therefore it is a major site for yin-yang and qi-blood circulation. As one of the important means of health preservation in Chinese medicine, foot baths before bed can relax the feet, body and mind, and are conducive to sleep. In addition, foot baths can also promote qi and blood circulation, and enhance body immunity through stimulating the acupuncture points, reflexology regions, and the channels and collaterals on the feet.
Chinese medicinals can be added into the water based on different situations.
Mugwort Leaf (Ai Yè, Folium Artemisia argyi)
20~30 g of Folium Artemisia argyi decocted in water for 3~5 minutes is used. Add 1~2 g salt, and adjust it to the proper temperature. Folium Artemisia argyi can promote blood circulation and dispel cold, which has a positive effect on conditions related to a “cold uterus” and dysmenorrhea.
Fresh Ginger (Shēng Jiāng, Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens)
20~30 g Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens decocted in water for 3~5 minutes is used; add 1~2 g salt, and adjust it to the proper temperature. Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens can drain water, warm yang, fortify the spleen and harmonize the stomach. It is effective for symptoms of cold limbs with fear of cold and occasional edema in the lower limbs.
Safflower (Hóng Huā, Flos Carthami)
10~20 g Flos Carthami decocted with water for 3~5 minutes is used; add 1~2 g of salt, and adjust it to the proper temperature. Flos Carthami can invigorate blood and dissolve stasis, which is effective for cold pain in the lower limbs caused by blood stasis due to congealing cold.